

321Kids Director

Abigail (Abby) grew up in the Toledo area with her parents Paul and Cyndi, and her four siblings. She was taught about Jesus throughout her childhood and has had a personal relationship with Him since she was young. Abigail has always had a love for children, which led her to get a degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Toledo. Abby loves having the opportunity to use her passion for kids and Jesus every week in 321Kids.

Abby is married to Josh Tillman, who is also on staff here at Church 3TwentyOne. They love getting to work together and share a passion for the next generation. Josh and Abby have a two-year-old son named Barrett. If you see a little redhead running around on a Sunday morning, it’s probably him. They love spending time with friends and family, as well as participating in a life group.

 If you see Abby on a Sunday morning don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. She loves getting to know new people and she can’t wait to see you in the 321Kids area!