Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are what God supernaturally does with what I naturally do. There are a few ways to discover your gifts. Below is a list of some Spiritual Gifts. This list is not exhaustive, but it is a good jumping off point to help you start to discover your God-given gifts. If you prefer to take an assessment, please click the button below.

Administration I organize ideas, things and time for effective results.
I can delegate responsibilities to others.
I can set goals, and I make plans to accomplish them.

Discernment I can often see clearly what is right or wrong, truth or lies.
I am able to see the spiritual nature of an issue.

Exhortation I enjoy helping people find answers in difficult situations.
I can speak the truth lovingly to help guide others.

Craftsmanship & Arts I come alive when I can express myself creatively through the arts.
I like using my hands.
I enjoy and appreciate being in or creating beautiful environments.

Evangelism I like sharing with others how God has changed my life.
It is easy to talk to others about life and/or spiritual matters.
When I share my faith with others I see positive results in their lives.

Giving I am confident that God will meet my needs, and I respond by giving enthusiastically.
I intentionally give up certain things in order to give to God’s work.
I enjoy giving my time and resources to benefit God and/or others.

Helps I find joy in being a help to others.
When I serve God I don’t really care who gets credit.
I like doing things behind the scenes.

Hospitality My home is always open to guests.
I enjoy creating welcoming environments.
When people visit me they feel good about being in my home.

Prayer I feel like my prayers have tangible results in people’s lives.
I take prayer requests very seriously and pray for others often.
Prayer is one of my favorite spiritual exercises.

Faith I trust in God and am not shaken by changing circumstances.
I expect God to move and believe that he will answer my prayers.
I live a boldly obedient life because I believe that God is good and he is for me.

Leadership I can motivate others to get things done.
I can lead groups of people toward a common goal.
People look at me as a leader when something needs to get done.

Mercy I enjoy doing things to comfort others.
I enjoy helping people who are hurting.
I enjoy helping others even when I know they may not say “thank you.”

Serving I appreciate being asked to do things for others.
I respond cheerfully when asked to do something, even if it’s menial.
I don’t need to be the leader.

Shepherding I love leading a small group.
I enjoy showing care and concern for groups of people.
I have helped friends or family return to or find faith.

Teaching I feel I can communicate biblical truths to others so they are helped.
I enjoy teaching others about Jesus and/or the Bible.
I have been told I have a gift for helping people understand concepts or ideas.

Wisdom When important decisions need to be made I feel confident in God’s guidance.
When someone has a problem I can often see what the wisest thing to do is.
I have good intuition on how to solve complicated problems.